Yves Saint Laurent

"Das schönste Kleidungsstück, das eine Frau tragen kann, ist die Umarmung eines Mannes den sie liebt.."

Dienstag, 31. Mai 2011


wow, im deeply suprised by my new followers and the number of messages that i*ve received in the last few days. i have to admit that i became so lazy lately but i promise to keep you up to date now. So dont miss my next entry cause i was still busy with shopping though =)) I*ll show u later. love <3

5 Kommentare:

  1. I can't wait to see your next posts. I love your blog although I've only been following for a few days now.


  2. omg you are gorgeous!! and this comment should be on the new post but love those shorts so cute!


  3. you are so gorgeous <3<3 i like your style very nice

  4. Oh wooow du bist soooo hübsch!!! :) :)
    Und dank für dein Kommentar. Ich weiß nicht ob ich auf deutsch schreiben soll oder englisch? Jedenfalls bin ich dein neuer Verfolger. Werd dann mal rumstöbern ^.^


